

In their recent paper in World Development, David Evans, Brian Holtemeyer, and Katrina Kosec explore how conditional cash transfer programs can impact trust in government, and how the information available to citizens affects this relationship.
Collection of PIM news for the last quarter of 2018: new research, publications, PIM webinars, and more.
The CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM), one of CGIAR's four cross-cutting Global Integrating Programs, brings together numerous partners from around the world to provide action-oriented research support for policies that help poor farmers. Here are a few highlights from our work in 2018.
New CGIAR video features our previous Director Dr. Karen Brooks (retired in 2018) talking about the importance of agriculture for youth employment in developing countries. "We are talking about five hundred million young people in Africa south of the Sahara, in South Asia, in Central Asia who are moving into the labor force"
Ruth Meinzen-Dick discusses how games could be used to help people cooperate to sustainably manage water, a classic common pool resource - in the Science's "Tragedy revisited", a new paper to mark the 50th anniversary of the famous essay by Garrett Hardin.
Recording, slides, and podcast of the final PIM webinar in 2018, "Aspirations, trust, and poverty reduction", conducted by Dr. Katrina Kosec on December 19.
Driven by population growth and growing land scarcity, most African farm households are witnessing the gradual sub-division of their land. Over time farms are getting smaller and smaller. Today, over 80% of farms in relatively densely populated countries are smaller than one hectare.
It is commonly understood that agricultural and food security policy research can influence policy only through direct engagement with policy
In early October 2018, PIM’s Flagship on Inclusive and Efficient Value Chains hosted a workshop on Integrating Value Chain Research across CGIAR. The goal of the meeting, held jointly with our partner Wageningen University and Research, was to catalyze the development of a CGIAR Value Chains community of practice.