Cross-cutting Gender Research and Coordination


EnGendering Data Blog
Why are women often left out of multi-stakeholder forum discussions around forest or land use issues? How can this be changed? New EnGendering Data blog!
EnGendering Data Blog
More nuanced measures of time-use agency capture women’s motivations and preferences, can help fill the gaps found in traditional time-use survey methods.
While the term “feminization” of agriculture is used with both positive and negative connotation, the reality is more complex.
Learn how PIM research in 2020 supported policies and strategic decisions, including response to the COVID-19 pandemic, across the globe.
EnGendering Data Blog
Study in Kenya sought to understand where rural women and men see their opportunities and what role farming plays in their aspired future.
This 1st webinar in the series will focus on dynamics and impacts of migration on gender relations in agriculture and natural resource domains.
EnGendering Data Blog
How can we learn about women’s empowerment when large-scale survey data are not available? Big data generated from mobile phones can help fill in gender data gaps.
How can women’s voices be amplified in a situation of prevailing patriarchal norms? Evidence from a civil society mapping project in Mali.
EnGendering Data Blog
Advancing women’s land rights is a priority for the international development agenda. Yet, there is no consensus on which rights should be monitored and reported.