December 16, 2021
A multi-country study finds that mechanization induces women to shift from farm to nonfarm activities to a larger extent than men, which can potentially narrow the gender gap in labor productivity and empowerment.
December 1, 2021
New study shows that income shocks, like those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, can significantly reduce health and nutrition status of children under 5.
November 30, 2021
Join our webinar on December 10, 2021 in support of the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign.
November 29, 2021
Why is tenure security and landscape governance research important for addressing climate change, poverty alleviation, gender disparities, nutrition and health, environmental management and sustainability? Join our webinar on December 7 to hear from the experts!
EnGendering Data Blog
November 9, 2021
ANEW will generate evidence on whether and how producer and marketing associations empower women while improving market linkages.
November 3, 2021
Advancing Gender Equality through Agricultural and Environmental Research: Past, Present, and Future
The new CGIAR book looks at how agricultural and environmental research and development contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment.
EnGendering Data Blog
October 26, 2021
Understanding male engagement in traditionally female domains of domestic work is critically important for the study of agriculture and economic development. New EnGendering Data blog by Jessica Leight.
EnGendering Data Blog
September 30, 2021
Qualitative approaches allow to surface women’s and men’s perspectives, in their own words, and to analyze the stories that emerge.
September 7, 2021
Webinar series in Sept-Oct 2021: Insights on the differential effects on the benefits that women and men derive from value chain participation.