August 19, 2020
Men and women often disagree when asked the same questions. But what do these disagreements actually tell us about gender and household behavior?
EnGendering Data Blog
August 4, 2020
Lucia Rost shares her experience using spot phone calls for measuring gendered time use in rural low-income settings.
July 17, 2020
Empowering pastoralist women is key for development of pastoral societies in general. How best to do it remains a challenge, but a new note aims to help.
EnGendering Data Blog
July 14, 2020
How well do phone surveys perform in terms of response rates, response bias, and data quality—particularly for women respondents?
EnGendering Data Blog
June 11, 2020
Disaggregating data by gender and task can enhance our understanding of opportunities to empower women through inclusive value chains development.
June 3, 2020
Collective action is key in managing natural resources and facilitating collective agency for women’s empowerment. What happens when people cannot come together because of lockdowns?
EnGendering Data Blog
May 29, 2020
How can researchers ensure that studies inform inclusive COVID-19 responses and that data collection during the pandemic avoids further marginalization?
May 13, 2020
Targeting women directly with relevant information in ways that are appealing increases their agency, access to resources, and achievements in farming.
April 30, 2020
How is the current crisis affecting gender relations, and why is attention to gender in implementing expanded social protection programs critical?