Climate change ranks among the most important dynamics shaping livelihoods of young people now and in the future. New IFAD blog on the topic.
What do youth have to do with agriculture or agricultural extension? Aren’t most young people trying to get out of rural areas and are not interested in agriculture?
This side event of the 46th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) will showcase how small and medium enterprises can sustainably deliver quality seed locally/regionally within specific agroecological zones.
Overview of five key areas that will be given more emphasis across the PIM research portfolio in 2019-2021.
This webinar will explore the pathways that have emerged to deliver investment in common property resources in Guatemala, Mexico, Nepal, and Namibia. 
Select recent publications from PIM and partners on sustainable pro-poor policies, institutions, and markets.
This webinar by the Feed the Future Developing Local Extension Capacity (DLEC) Project will summarize recent experience and give recommendations for expanding private sector agricultural extension and advisory services.
The industry is a major driver of deforestation, but modeling shows that boosting palm oil yields will help reduce pressure to expand.
This policy seminar on Sept 5 will review findings from an impact evaluation of Yemen’s Cash for Nutrition program and its positive impacts on child and maternal nutrition.