November 30, 2020
New PIM Synthesis Brief provides analysis of current issues and an outlook for future research to mainstream gender analysis in seed systems development.
November 24, 2020
New paper explores how people in the region respond to changes in labor opportunities due to climate variability—extreme temperature and rainfall shocks.
November 23, 2020
While advancing women’s land rights may be the foundation for reducing gender inequalities in agriculture, this alone is likely insufficient to bring about significant change.
November 25, 2020
Widespread male migration from rural areas is one of the most important forces shaping agrarian transformation in Nepal. How does it affect irrigation governance?
November 23, 2020
Series of four virtual regional dialogues covering anglophone and francophone Africa, South Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
November 24, 2020
The project focused on the formation of agriculture human capital, particularly the skills of smallholder family farmers, including women and youth.
November 25, 2020
The growing Direct Seed Marketing system is helping more farmers gain access to new seeds and traits than ever in Ethiopia’s history.
December 7, 2020
What do editors really want? A series of three webinars with experts from development research on how to navigate the social science journals landscape.
November 11, 2020
Book launch: Key challenges of Nepal agriculture and suggested policy measures to improve delivery of critical inputs and services to smallholders.