

Six newly released two-page brochures, representing each of the PIM research areas ('flagships'), give a quick overview of our research agenda and recent achievements.
Understanding the psychological dimensions of poverty is critical for understanding how to alleviate it. This webinar with Katrina Kosec on Dec 19 will highlight novel research on two psychological phenomena that are closely linked with experiencing poverty and economic vulnerability: 1) having low aspirations, or ambitions, for the future, and 2) having low levels of trust or confidence in one’s government.
The devolution of forest rights to local communities is seen as a critical element of strategies aimed at conserving tropical forests and strengthening livelihoods based on them. In this webinar on December 13, we will present findings of an in-depth study of 12 community concessions in the Maya Biosphere Reserve in Petén, Guatemala that focuses on the community forest enterprises.
The new paper examines how subnational variation in capacity affects access to agricultural extension in rural Nepal, finding that even when resources are scarce, knowledgeable and motivated bureaucrats can deliver surprisingly high levels of services.
Many people in Sub-Saharan Africa still work in agriculture; on average, over half of the labor force, and even more in poorer countries and localities. Yet the share of the labor force in agriculture is declining (as is normal in development), leading African leaders and economists to focus on job creation outside agriculture.
This seminar on Nov 20, organized jointly by CGIAR and the World Bank, will discuss latest evidence of relevance to all those engaged in food systems and climate change. Attend in person or remotely via WebEx.
Direct cash transfers coupled with behavior change communication can reduce violence against women inflicted by their partners by 26 percent, according to a landmark study in Bangladesh conducted by researchers at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Cornell University. The reductions in violence were found 6-10 months after the intervention ended, providing the first evidence that such benefits can be sustained after cash transfers and related programming cease.
The CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research convened its 2nd Annual Scientific Conference and Capacity Development Workshop on Sept. 25-28, 2018 at ILRI in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
A group of leading international organizations joined with IFPRI and PIM in 2013 to form the Agricultural Incentives  Consortium (Ag-Incentives). The new PIM Outcome Note summarizes how the partnership evolved and how the results of this effort help policy makers, researchers, and other stakeholders.