Progress toward gender equality enhances inclusion and promotes effective development. PIM’s cross-cutting gender research focuses on three main areas: developing tools and methods to further our understanding of women’s empowerment and women’s access to and control over resources; understanding the complex process of joint-decision making in agricultural production decisions and how that affects production outcomes; and understanding how different drivers of the agricultural transformation process affect gendered roles in agriculture and the corresponding challenges and opportunities for development strategies.
In 2017-2019, Flagship 6 hosted the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research which aimed to increase the visibility and impact of gender research undertaken across the CGIAR. The Platform supported priority setting for gender research, strategic partnerships, capacity development, and collaboration between and among CGIAR programs, Centers, and partners. It coordinated research on various topics, including gender dynamics in seed systems, gender and value chains, and the “feminization” of agriculture, and initiated a forward-looking review of the CGIAR contributions on gender and aqua/agriculture and natural resource management (to be completed in 2021). In January 2020, the Platform, now named GENDER (Generating Evidence and New Directions for Equitable Results), transitioned to its new stage under the leadership of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).
While the work of Flagship 6 has global applications, PIM’s cross-cutting gender research is more specifically focused on Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Senegal, and Uganda.
Research questions
- How do access to and control over inputs and resources affect the productivity of women and men, and what other factors might explain observed differences in productivity?
- How can technological and institutional innovations and interventions improve women’s empowerment and agricultural outcomes for women and families?
- How do the different drivers of agricultural transformation affect gendered roles in agriculture and individual outcomes for women and men?
- How should value chain interventions be planned and implemented to ensure that women and men benefit equally?
- How can social protection programs and public service delivery contribute to women’s empowerment, improved nutrition, and other targeted outcomes for women and men?
- How can the separate studies and approaches to gender analysis throughout CGIAR reinforce each other and contribute to a coherent contribution to attainment of CGIAR’s objectives?
Vos, Andrea; and Pyburn, Rhiannon. 2021. Gender research in the CGIAR research program on policies, institutions, and markets in 2018 and 2019. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). https://doi.org/10.2499/p15738coll2.134267
Also see:
Standards for Collecting Sex-Disaggregated Data for Gender Analysis: A Guide for CGIAR Researchers
Research Clusters
Cluster 6.1: Gender, Agricultural Productivity, and Rural Transformation
Cluster 6.2: Collaborative Gender Research
Leadership Team
Cheryl Doss (Oxford University)
Flagship 6 leader
Katrina Kosec (IFPRI)
Cluster 6.1 leader
Rhiannon Pyburn (KIT)
Cluster 6.2 leader
Flagship Insights
Cheryl Doss about Flagship 6 research
PIM Webinar "Women in agriculture: Four myths"
Visit the webinar page for more
PIM Webinar on WEAI
Visit the webinar page for more
PIM Webinar on cash transfers and IPV
Visit the webinar page for more
Banner photo: M. Yousuf Tushar / WorldFish
Exploring spousal disagreement in survey responses, we find that sometimes, sex-disaggregated data may be less useful than many assume.
ANEW will generate evidence on whether and how producer and marketing associations empower women while improving market linkages.
Understanding male engagement in traditionally female domains of domestic work is critically important for the study of agriculture and economic development. New EnGendering Data blog by Jessica Leight.