EnGendering Data Blog
March 9, 2020
Disentangling information and role model effects on women's empowerment in rural Uganda.
January 30, 2020
This webinar will discuss key gender issues and entry points for policy research and outreach, focusing on integrating gender into each stage of the research process - from design to communication of impact.
January 16, 2020
Reflections on the three years of the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research (2017-2019) from the Platform Coordinator Rhiannon Pyburn.
December 2, 2019
Effective forest and landscape restoration interventions need to take into account socio-political aspects and gender norms in order to ensure long-term impact and promote equitable sharing of benefits.
November 20, 2019
A recent policy seminar at IFPRI presented an upcoming CGIAR publication on the topic.
October 31, 2019
Workshop on Oct.31-Nov.1 organized by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM), led by IFPRI.
October 22, 2019
How can agriculture and natural resource management advance gender equality? Gender researchers from across CGIAR are preparing a landmark publication to explore this. This seminar will share key reflections from this work.
EnGendering Data Blog
October 8, 2019
Many surveys ask who in the household makes key decisions, but most fail to ask why. A new study uses vignettes to identify why certain household members make decisions in rural Senegal.
June 25, 2019
Interview with Jemimah Njuki, Sr. Program Officer at Canada’s IDRC, on the highlights of the recent 'Seeds of Change' conference in Canberra.