sex-disaggregated data


The Big Picture Increasing evidence demonstrates the importance of women’s control and ownership of assets for achieving important development outcomes.
EnGendering Data Blog
What we learned by modifying a question about women’s asset ownership
Lessons learned from a gender inclusive survey on index insurance in coastal Bangladesh
This story by Manon Koningstein was originally posted on the CCAFS News Blog and features the new paper on adaptation actions in
EnGendering Data Blog
The case in Ecuador shows that interviewing a couple together would enhance the quality of the information gathered, particularly the valuation measures.
The Gender, Agriculture, and Assets Project (GAAP), jointly led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and International Livestock
EnGendering Data Blog
Do women landowners manage the plots of land that they own? There has been surprisingly little research on this question, although the answer is crucial to investigating whether there are gender differences in productivity or the adoption of new technology, among other issues. 
EnGendering Data Blog
Using cognitive pretesting to improve the WEAI As a researcher, how often have you wondered whether survey respondents understand your
We know more and more about what our planet faces as climate change intensifies and greenhouse gas emissions lead us