EnGendering Data Blog


EnGendering Data blog is dedicated to collecting and analyzing sex-disaggregated data to improve the knowledge base on the role of gender in agriculture and food security. It was started by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) in 2014 and is now (since January 2022) hosted by the GENDER Impact Platform’s Methods Module – please visit the page to see all latest publications!

The goal of this blog is to develop a community of practice around the collection of sex-disaggregated data for gender analysis in agriculture.  This will allow us to learn from one another’s successes and mistakes. Many of the lessons that we learn in the process of fielding surveys and qualitative approaches and then analyzing sex-disaggregated data do not make it into published journal articles. By sharing lessons learned about which questions are important in specific contexts, how to frame questions, who to interview, and similar issues, we can collectively improve and simplify our methods of collecting sex-disaggregated data.

We hope that EnGendering Data blog will serve as a forum for researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners to pose questions, engage in discussions, and share resources about promising practices in collecting and analyzing sex-disaggregated data on agriculture and food security.

EnGendering Data Blog
In recognition of Pi Day (Greek letter π), celebrated each March 14th (03/14), here are some pie charts to illustrate
EnGendering Data Blog
The call for International Women’s Day 2016 asks people to Pledge for Parity. The pledge offers five components: help women
EnGendering Data Blog
For decades feminist economists and women’s rights advocates have made the case that the lack of data on women’s land
EnGendering Data Blog
Identifying opportunities for productive investments in women The widely cited “fact” that women in Africa provide 60-80% of the labor
This seemingly straightforward question is quite difficult to answer.  On smallholder farms, all family members generally play important roles in
The Big Picture Increasing evidence demonstrates the importance of women’s control and ownership of assets for achieving important development outcomes.
EnGendering Data Blog
What we learned by modifying a question about women’s asset ownership
Lessons learned from a gender inclusive survey on index insurance in coastal Bangladesh
EnGendering Data Blog
The case in Ecuador shows that interviewing a couple together would enhance the quality of the information gathered, particularly the valuation measures.