EnGendering Data Blog


EnGendering Data blog is dedicated to collecting and analyzing sex-disaggregated data to improve the knowledge base on the role of gender in agriculture and food security. It was started by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) in 2014 and is now (since January 2022) hosted by the GENDER Impact Platform’s Methods Module – please visit the page to see all latest publications!

The goal of this blog is to develop a community of practice around the collection of sex-disaggregated data for gender analysis in agriculture.  This will allow us to learn from one another’s successes and mistakes. Many of the lessons that we learn in the process of fielding surveys and qualitative approaches and then analyzing sex-disaggregated data do not make it into published journal articles. By sharing lessons learned about which questions are important in specific contexts, how to frame questions, who to interview, and similar issues, we can collectively improve and simplify our methods of collecting sex-disaggregated data.

We hope that EnGendering Data blog will serve as a forum for researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners to pose questions, engage in discussions, and share resources about promising practices in collecting and analyzing sex-disaggregated data on agriculture and food security.

EnGendering Data Blog
A new Prindex survey is giving voice to women around the world, letting them share their perceptions of their property rights.
EnGendering Data Blog
Steven Cole, Catherine Njuguna, and Devis F. Mwakanyamale introduce a new dyadic interview tool for exploring intra-household decision making.
EnGendering Data Blog
Gender attitudes are typically viewed as 'sticky'. New study shows that some (but certainly not all) aspects of gender attitudes may be easy to alter.
EnGendering Data Blog
A new survey module helps capture a wider range of factors in women’s and men’s environment that might limit their freedom of movement.
EnGendering Data Blog
Women’s empowerment is of paramount importance for multiple development goals – but how do we measure it? A summary of key tools and methods.
EnGendering Data Blog
Nick Magnan and Abby Love share lessons from a gender-disaggregated lab-in-the-field experiment in Tanzania - in the new EnGenderingData Blog!
EnGendering Data Blog
Lucia Rost shares her experience using spot phone calls for measuring gendered time use in rural low-income settings.
EnGendering Data Blog
How well do phone surveys perform in terms of response rates, response bias, and data quality—particularly for women respondents?
EnGendering Data Blog
Disaggregating data by gender and task can enhance our understanding of opportunities to empower women through inclusive value chains development.