

Land acquisitions by foreign and local investors has generated much speculation about the impacts on smallholder households and rural communities. Jordan Chamberlin (CIMMYT) presents a study that aims to determine the impact of farm structure on rural household incomes in Tanzania.
There is a long history of common property, which we can define as resources held and managed collectively by a group. But what is their relevance for today … and for tomorrow? An Oct. 4 IFPRI policy seminar, held to mark the first World Commons Week, provided perspectives on past, present, and future challenges and opportunities.
An IFPRI analysis of the Bangladesh's Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) program, which provides assistance to poor women in rural areas, revealed flaws in the standards used to target recipients and recommended new criteria, which the government will begin using in 2019.
Programs that seek to increase women’s participation in marketing activities related to the principal household economic activity must involve men if they are to be successful. The new IFPRI Discussion Paper analyzes take-up of a project that sought to increase women’s involvement in sugarcane marketing and sales by encouraging the registration of a sugarcane block contract in the wife’s name.
Thomson Reuters News Foundation published an op-ed by IFPRI researchers Gashaw Tadesse Abate, Tanguy Bernard, Alan de Brauw, and Nicholas Minot, who examined the impact of Ethiopia’s Wheat Initiative on farmers’ yields to understand how programs can boost wheat yields in underperforming areas.
Summary of new and important things that happened at PIM in the 3rd quarter 2018, including: the new program director, PIM webinars, publications, and updates from each of the research flagships.
Watch this June 10, 2021 webinar presenting results of the projects The CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research announced five
When: 17 October 2018, 10-11 am EST Presenter: Simla Tokgoz, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   Measuring policy
Dr. Frank Place started as the new director of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) on August 1, 2018. In this interview, we spoke with Frank about his first impressions, plans, and priorities in this new role.